Home Name Document Number Document Type Map Recording Date Options Grantor/Grantee Search The Orange County Clerk-Recorder's Office is pleased to offer the Grantor/Grantee index for online searches of property documents recorded since 1982. Documents may be viewed free of charge or copied at a cost of $1.00 per page at any of our three locations. You may search your property records and create a cart of documents that may be printed and submitted by mail with payment to the Orange County Clerk-Recorder's Office, PO Box 238, Santa Ana, CA 92701. We hope these services help you in your search. Sincerely, Hugh Nguyen Orange County Clerk-Recorder Search by Name All Grantor Grantee Grantor/Grantee Please enter Person's LAST Name [space] FIRST Name(ex. smith allison) or fraction there of (ie. smith a) or enter Business Name Allow Partial Match MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Number Document Numbers Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Book and Page Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Recording Date MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Document Type MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types & AGREEMENT & CONSENT & OPTION & ORDER & QUITCLAIM & RELEASE ABAND HOMESTEAD ABANDN RESOLUTN ABANDONMENT ABSTR OF TRUST ABSTRACT JDMT NO-FEE ABSTRACT JUDGMT ABSTRACT ORDER ACCEPTANCE ACCEPTANCE AGM ACCEPTANCE TR ACCPT SUCCSR TR ADDEND NT ASSMT ADDENDUM AGM AFDVT & PUBN AFDVT SUCCSR TR AFFIDAVIT AFFIDAVIT ASGT AFFIDAVIT LABOR AFFIDAVIT/BOND AFFORDABLE HOUSING RESTRICTIVE COVENANT MOD AGREEMENT AGREEMENT SALE AMD ASGT LEASE AMD ASGT RENTS AMD ASSIGNMENT AMD ASSUMPT AGM AMD COVEN/RESTR AMD CTF TRUST AMD DCLN EASEMT AMD DECLARATION AMD DECLN COVEN AMD DECLN RESTR AMD DECLN TRUST AMD EASEMNT AGM AMD EXTNSN AGM AMD GRANT DEED AMD LEASE AGM AMD LIS PENDENS AMD MEMO LEASE AMD OPTION AGM AMD PTNSHP AMD REGLTRY AGM AMD REVOC TRUST AMD RSRV EASMT AMD TRUST DEED AMD WITHDRAWAL AMEND AMEND ABST JDMT NO-FEE AMEND ABST JGMT AMEND AGREEMENT AMEND ASGT AGM AMEND CONDO PLN AMEND DEED AMEND EASEMENT AMEND EXTENSION AMEND JUDGEMENT AMEND JUDGMENT AMEND LEASE AMEND LTD PTNSH AMEND MEMO AGM AMEND NOTICE AMEND OPTION AMEND ORDER AMEND RIGHT WAY AMEND STATEMENT AMEND SUBLEASE AMEND TRUST AMEND WITHDRWL AMENDED ASSESS AMENDED PARCEL AMENDED RECORD OF SURVEY AMENDED SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION MAP APPL REGISTRATN APPL RNWL JDGT APPLICATION REG APPOINT TRUSTEE ARTICLE CONVRSN ARTICLE INCORP ARTICLE ORGANIZ ASGT CONTRACT ASGT EASEMENT ASGT GRANT DEED ASGT INTEREST ASGT JUDGMENT ASGT LEASE AGM ASGT OF RIGHTS ASGT SUBLEASE ASGT TRUST DEED ASSESSMENT MAP ASSIGNMENT ASSIGNMENT AGM ASSIGNMENT LSE ASSIGNMENT MTG ASSIGNMENT OPT ASSIGNMENT RNT ASSUMPTION AGM AUTH RESOLN BAIL AGREEMENT BILL OF SALE BIRTH CTF BIRTH REPORT BOND BOND - LDA BOND - U D ASST BOND PHOTOCOPY BOND PROC SRVR BUILDING CONTR BY-LAWS CANCEL AGM CANCEL CONTRACT CANCEL LEASE CANCEL RECON CANCELLATION CEMETERY MAP CERTIF COMPLY CERTIF MERGER CERTIF REDEMP CERTIF SALE CERTIFICATE CERTIFICATE RE CHARTER CHARTER AMENDS CNC LIEN COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT COND USE PERMIT CONDOMINIUM PLN CONSENT CONSERV EASEMNT CONSTR CONTRACT CONSTR TRUST DD CONTAMINATED CONTRACT CONTRACT BOND CONVERSION CONVEYANCE COVEN & RESTR COVENANT COVENANT & AGM CTF AGREEMENT CTF ANNEX CTF COMPLETION CTF CONVERSION CTF CORRECTION CTF DISSOLUTION CTF DUPLICATION CTF FORMATION CTF INCORP CTF INTEREST CTF NAME CHANGE CTF NON ATCHMNT CTF OF AMEND CTF OF TRUST CTF OF TRUSTEE CTF OWNERSHIP CTF PARTL PAYMT CTF REGISTRATN CTF RELIEF CTF REMOVAL CTF SECURITY DANGEROUS BLDG DCLN EASEMT AGM DEATH REPORT DECLARATION DECLARATION AGM Declaration of C. C. & R's. DECLN COVENANT DECLN DEDICATN DECLN EASEMENT DECLN HOMESTEAD DECLN RESTR DECLN RESTR AGM DECLN TRUST DEDICATION DEED DEED RESERVATN DEED RESTRICTN DELINQUENT CTF DESIGNATION DEVELOP PLAN DEVELOPMENT MAP DIAGRAMMATIC DISCLAIMER DISSOLUTION DLQNT TAX NT DSLN LTD PTNSHP DSLN PARTNERSHP EASEMENT EASEMENT AGM EASEMENT DEED ELECTION EXTENSION EXTENSION AGMT FED TAX LIEN FEE CARD FICTITIOUS FILE DOCUMENT FNL ORDR CONDMN GRANT GRANT & RESERVE GRANT DEED GRANT LICENSE GRANT OF LIEN HISTOR RESOURCE INDENTURE INSTLMT CONTR INT LEASEBACK INVTR SEP PROP JT VENTURE AGM JUDGMENT JUDICAL DISTRICT MAP LAND CONTRACT LEASE LEASE AGREEMENT LETTER ADMN LETTERS GDNSHP LETTERS REP LIEN LIEN BOND LIEN STATE LIFE CARE AGMT LIFE ESTATE LIS PENDENS LOT LINE ADJMT LTD PTNSHP LTRS CONSERSHP LTRS TESTMTRY MAP MDF AGREEMENT MDF DD DECLN MDF JUDGMENT MECHANIC LIEN MEMO AGREEMENT MEMO AMD LEASE MEMO AMEND AGM MEMO ASGT LEASE MEMO ASSIGNMENT MEMO ASSMPT AGM MEMO CERTFD MEMO EASEMENT MEMO LEASE MEMO LEASE AGM MEMO OPTION MEMO SUBLEASE MEMO SUBLSE AGM MEMO TERMNT AGM MEMORANDUM MERGER MERGER LOT MERGER PARCELS MISCELLANEOUS MOBILEHOME CTF MODIF ASGT RNTS MODIF EASEMENT MODIF LEASE MODIF TRUST DD MODIFICATION MORTGAGE NOTARY BOND NOTE RESOLUTION NOTICE NOTICE ACCPT NOTICE ACTION NOTICE ADVANCE NOTICE AFFIDVT NOTICE ANNEX NOTICE AUCTION NOTICE CONTRACT NOTICE CONVEY NOTICE DEFAULT NOTICE DELETION NOTICE FED LIEN NOTICE LOCATION NOTICE MERGER NOTICE NON RESP Notice of Full Rec. & Rem. of Decarbonization C. Notice of Decarbonization NOTICE OF LEVY NOTICE OF LIEN NOTICE OF LIENS NOTICE OF ORDER Notice of Removal of Decarbonization Charge NOTICE REMOVAL NOTICE RESTRTN NOTICE SALE NOTICE SEC AGM NOTICE ST LIEN NOTICE SUB TR NOTICE SUCSR TR NOTICE TRANSFER NT ABATEMENT NT ASSESSMENT NT ASSIGN SUPRT NT CESSATION NT COMPLETION NT DEATH/TR CTF NT DELQNT ASSMT NT DISSOLUTION NT INT CREATE NT INTEND TRANS NT LIEN - PPT NT LIS PENDENS NT NON-ACCPT NT OF AGREEMENT NT OF ATTACHMNT NT REASSESSMENT NT RESCISSION NT RESTRCTN AGM NT REVOC TRUST NT RNWL JDGT NT SUBST BLDG NT SUBSTANDARD NT SUBSTN PAYEE NT SUBSTNRD BLD NT SUPPORT JDGT NT TERMINATION NT TERMINTN AGM NT TERMINTN LSE NT TO CREDITORS NT TRUSTEE SALE NT VIOLATION NUMBER NOT USED OF ACCPT OF DEDICATION OF PUBLICATION OFFER DEDICATIN OFFER EASEMENT OFFER GRANT OFFER TO CONVEY OFFICIAL MAP OPTION OPTION AGREEMNT OPTION LEASE OPTION PURCHASE ORDER ORDINANCE OWN YOUR PLAN PARCEL MAP PARTIAL PARTIAL ASGT PARTIAL CANCEL PARTIAL Q C PARTIAL RELEASE PARTIAL SURREND PARTL RECONVEY PARTNERSHIP AGM PATENT CTF Payment Contr Assmt PETITION PLANS & SPECS PLOT PLAN POWER ATTORNEY PRIORITY WAIVER PROPOSAL PROPSD BOUNDRIE PTL ABANDONMENT PTL ASGT JUDGMT PTL DISCHARGE PTL RELEASE AGM PTL TERMINATION PTL TERMNTN AGM PTL TERMTN LSE PTL WITHDRWL PUBLCTN & AFDVT QC EASMT DEED QUITCLAIM QUITCLAIM DEED RATIF AGREEMENT RATIF LEASE RATIF LEASE AGM RATIF MTG REASSMT MAP REC'D IN ERROR RECONVEYANCE RECORD SURVEY REDEV PLAN REDEV PROJECT REGULATORY AGM REINSTMT TR DD REL LIS PENDENS RELEASE RELEASE AGM RELEASE ASGT RELINQUISHMENT REMOV INVL LIEN REMOVAL RENEWAL REPURCHASE OPT REQ EXEMPTION REQ NT DELINQ REQUEST NOTICE RESCISSION RESCISSION DEED RESIGN TRUSTEE RESOLUTION RESTRICTION RESTRICTION AGM RESTRICTIVE COVENANT RESTRICTIVE COVENANT MODIFICATION REVISED REVISED STMT REVOC CTF REL REVOC DD & QC REVOC LICENSE REVOC NOTICE REVOC PWR ATTY REVOC RECON REVOC RELEASE REVOC RESCISSN REVOCABLE REVOCABLE TOD DEED REVOCABLE TRUST REVOCATION REVOCATION AGM REVOCATION DEED REVOCATION TOD DEED REVOCATN TRUST RSRV EASEMENT SALE CONTRACT SECURITY AGM SEISMIC MAP SERVICE RECORD SEVER JT TEN SPCL POWER ATTY STATE HWY MAP STATEMENT STATEMENT INFO STATEMNT PTNSHP STMT & DESIGNTN STMT IDENITY STMT JT VENTURE STMT OF ASSN STMT OF HOA STMT REDEVELPMT STREET DEED SUBDIVISION MAP SUBDN AGREEMENT SUBLEASE SUBORDINATION SUBST LIABILITY SUBSTANDARD BLD SUBSTITUTION TR SUPPL INDENTURE SURVEY MAP TERM OPTION TERM RESTRCTN TERM RESTRICTN TERM SUBLEASE TERM TRUST TERMINATION TERMINATION AGM TERMINATION LSE TERMINTN EASEMT TRANSFER LIEN TRUST AGREEMENT TRUST DEED TRUST INDENTURE TRUSTEES DEED UCC - AMENDMENT UCC - ASSIGN UCC - CONT UCC - F S UCC - INFORMATION UCC - RELEASE UCC - SUBDN UCC - TERM UNKNOWN UNSAFE BLDG VENDEES INT VENDEES INTRST VENDORS INT VICINITY MAP WAIVER WAIVER& CONSENT WATER QLTY PLAN WITHDRAWAL WITHDRAWAL TR WRIT ATTACHMENT WRIT EXECUTION Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search By Map MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Document Types ADDEND NT ASSMT AMEND NOTICE AMENDED PARCEL AMENDED RECORD OF SURVEY AMENDED SUBDIVISION ANNEXATION MAP ASSESSMENT MAP CEMETERY MAP COMMUNITY ASSESSMENT DISTRICT DEVELOPMENT MAP DIAGRAMMATIC JUDICAL DISTRICT MAP MAP MERGER PARCELS NOTICE OF LIEN NT ASSESSMENT NT DISSOLUTION NT REASSESSMENT OFFICIAL MAP PARCEL MAP PETITION PLOT PLAN REASSMT MAP RECORD SURVEY SEISMIC MAP STATE HWY MAP SUBDIVISION MAP SURVEY MAP UNSAFE BLDG VICINITY MAP Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Step #1 - Search Index Books Display Index Step #2 - Search Index Books Display Fiche Cell - Search Document Display Document Search By Document Number Document Numbers From*: YYYY - NNNNNNN To: YYYY - NNNNNNN Clear fields Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Predefined Search MM/DD/YYYY MM/DD/YYYY Predefined Search Types* Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by (APN) Assessor Parcel Number Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Search by Legal Description Search To view a record, click on the document number. To search for all records under a specific name: Click on any document number containing the name of the desired person. Once the document page opens, click on the desired name from the left-hand menu. All documents tied to that person will then be listed by Document Type and Recording Date from 1982 to present. Search results will contain records matching your criteria. If your search results are high, change your search criteria and try again If you would like to purchase a record, select an item and click "Add to Shopping Cart". Options (only for Search Results) 10 items per page 20 items per page 50 items per page 100 items per page Show result in Regular Format Paragraph Format Combined Format Show Short Description This change will have effect after refreshing the web site. Pushing Apply button will automatically refresh the web site and navigate you to the Home page. Show All Name Combinations in "Search By Name" Ok Apply Cancel